Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Curious or not

Our guests are very curious. Sidonie is looking his funny friends in the hope of fresh meat.
Princess May with her doll's face is very inventive for new toys.
She loves refined food too...

ViVi is bored by the wet weather and sleep a lot, nothing can stop her snorkling..... except a ride to visit her friends.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Such sweet faces all around. Sidonie has to be the cutest turtle we have ever seen. As for May, well, she's my sister so of course she's beautiful!

Come and visit us again soon, ViVi!


Anonymous said...

YOU are all such a very good looking family, with lots of love to boot! :)
Princess you has the most beautiful eyes! And Sidonie, momma has always had a soft spot for turtles... that little face of yours...
Vivi, you just look like a lump of furrs. hehe you should not hie your lovely face!...even when sleep byes :))

Ramses said...

Princess May is very purrty! Our kittens are now 3.5 weeks old and starting to enjoy playing with some of the toys #1 and Tama-Chan sent us in the post... :) The little cow is a BIG hit so far ;)


Samantha & Mom said...

Awwwwwww......what cute faces you all have!! We are samantha & mr. Tigger and we are very pleased to meet you!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick

castle diva said...

What lovely photos. Thank you for visiting our blog. It's always nice to meet new friends.

Ms. P and Cinza